A Quick Update

I finally have a few minutes to post a status report.
Catalyst finishes her first trip of her Alaska season tomorrow. She had a well deserved spa retreat for most of the winter. She was massaged and manicured, made over and polished until she gleamed. In the course of her treatments she has had two new heads and showers installed, so that she now has a total of 4 en-suite staterooms.
Under the oversight of Shane Blair, Catalyst’s chief engineer, she is looking better than ever.
Meanwhile Westward struggled up the coast from La Paz, with weather and some mechanical issues delaying her arrival in Port Townsend by about a week. Leaving us with 6 days to fix what was broken, find spares so that if she breaks the same stuff again we can deal with it at sea, and provision for our 4 ½ month Alaska season.
At 1:00 this afternoon we cast off from the dock in Port Townsend and as I type we are heading north along the west side of San Juan Island. Our ETA in Juneau is the afternoon on May 26.
Our first trip sails from Juneau on the morning of the 28th, so we have oodles of time to finish our projects, clean up the mess made after an 800 mile sprint to Alaska, and be ready to greet our guests when the arrive in at the boat.
Well, I need to go check the engine room, so I’ll sign off for now.