The Best of Alaska – From a Guest’s Perspective
One of our guests was so kind to share his blog posts from his Photo Tour with us. Check out the links below to read about his adventures and to see some amazing photos: Alaska at a Civilized Pace Whales! So Many Bears… There are still some open cabins this season, don’t miss out on…
June 7, 2019
A Quick Update
I finally have a few minutes to post a status report. Catalyst finishes her first trip of her Alaska season tomorrow. She had a well deserved spa retreat for most of the winter. She was massaged and manicured, made over and polished until she gleamed. In the course of her treatments she has had two…
May 20, 2019
Snorkeling Adventure in Baja
We rolled backwards off the skiff and into the cool waters of the Sea of Cortez. The winter plankton bloom had yet to begin, so the visibility was over fifty feet, good enough for us to clearly see the bottom twenty feet below us. We had chosen to snorkel here, now, because a feeding squadron…
March 10, 2019
Both Vessels Underway to Alaska
As of yesterday both Catalyst and Westward are underway toward Alaska. Catalyst is about half way along the length of Vancouver Island, and Westward is passing Prince Rupert and will stop in Ketchikan tomorrow to clear customs. All is well aboard both boats, and we are all pleased to be out of our respective boat…
May 14, 2018
Spring 2018 Newsletter
It must be spring. Both Catalyst and Westward are in the boatyard, and are both are kicking hard in the final lap sprint that seems to accompany every boat project I have ever been involved in. Catalyst has been in the yard in Port Townsend since last fall, with several major projects being undertaken. Chief among them was the replacement…
May 10, 2018
Alaska, here we come!
The summer season in Alaska is officially underway. Quite literally! Westward left Jensen Motorboat Company this afternoon and after transiting the Ballard Locks is now steaming north. Catalyst is almost finished with her extensive winter work list and is scheduled to be launched late this week. Both Westward and Catalyst have expeditions into Glacier Bay…
May 9, 2018
Join us in Baja, it’s safe!
As of November 2017, several nations had issued Travel Advisories to their citizens contemplating international travel. Among these nations were Germany, France, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand. That’s a lot of countries who feel that their citizens could be at risk if they traveled to…….the United States! That is…
November 30, 2017
Next Stop, San Diego
After a few days making repairs and adjustments, Westward is back at sea and heading toward our next stop, San Diego. The wind is light on our stern quarter, there is a comfortable 6’ swell from the Northwest and we are making over 8 knots. Within an hour of leaving Moss Landing we encountered 2…
October 24, 2017
MV Westward Heading South to Baja
Westward sails for Mexico tomorrow, taking advantage of an ideal weather forecast, and we are all scrambling to check off all of our lists before we drop her lines and she heads for the open Pacific. I am sitting in Westward’s galley surrounded by the ordered chaos that precedes every season’s beginning. Piles of food,…
October 13, 2017
Wrapping up our Baja Season
Westward slipped her moorings and sailed at sunset today. We hope to reach San Diego on the 11th, spend a few days marveling at how much everything costs after 6 months in Baja, and then sail for Seattle. It has been an amazing winter, and we are already eager to return.
May 5, 2017
Spring Updates
It has been a remarkable winter for us aboard Westward, we have drifted among a group of surface feeding blue whales, snorkeled among playful California sea lion pups, stroked friendly grey whales and, swum in the midst of a thousand schooling mobula rays. We have only a few weeks remaining in our winter season in…
April 20, 2017
Baja Reflections
We just returned from a wonderful trip to the Baja traveling late January into early February. It was a spectacular trip starting with a visit to the Magdalena Lagoons where we encountered the most amazing tolerant and inquisitive mama and baby gray whales. We were so close that there were even opportunities to touch the…
February 17, 2017